The 21st Assembly of the State Parties to the Rome Statute is to be held in the Hague on the 5th and 10th December 2022.

The Assembly of States Parties is the Court’s management, oversight and legislative body composed of representatives of the states who have ratified or acceded to the Rome Statute.

In accordance with article 112 of the Rome Statute, the meeting is held annually either in the Hague or at the UN headquarters in New York, although there are also circumstances if required where a special session can be called.

At its annual sessions the Assembly considers a number of issues that are key to how the court functions.

A number of side events are organised by civil society and these are sometimes officially sponsored by states who are signatories to the Rome Statute.

This year our associate group Stop Ecocide International will be holding an official side event hosted by the Republic of Vanuatu, and the Stop Ecocide Foundation, with Parliamentarians for Global Action & No Peace without Justice.

Global crisis and the potential of the ICC: Relevance of ecocide as the 5th crime.

Tuesday 6th December 13.15-14.45 CET

This event will be live streamed from the Hague and you can register using the link below to watch it: